Stanley Mission Bound and Other Adventures

Spring is attempting to show it’s face around parts of Saskatchewan, and we are happy to see the sun still up past 7 pm! With summer on my mind, I’ve been thinking more and more about where I might fit in this big ole’ world. Since the return of Colton Crawford into The Dead South, I’ve found myself in one location for longer than 2 weeks, which gives a gal some time to think about life!

I’m not entirely sure what the what what now is, but I do know that the people, culture and wilderness of Stanley Mission sure have stolen my heart! The kindness, generosity and natural music ability of the youth and community, as well as their strong desire to cultivate a music program, have me researching ways to facilitate mobile music teaching programs in Saskatchewan and beyond. I love the dreams I’ve been having, and am excited to see what the future brings!!

To delve into a world I know nothing about, I am toying around with the idea of turning Doylefest (which is a little music festival I’ve started on my land outside of Saskatoon) into a non-profit or charity to support this initiate. Grants, charities and non-profits for MUSIC IN ALL COMMUNITIES is what has been on mind!! It is exciting to think about things beyond the Main Stage. I’m still excited to be performing, and have a few festivals on the go for this summer, but it sure feels good to look beyond myself and see the what I can do for the world.

Oki doki folks, hope the world is spinning in the right direction for ya’ll. Thanks, and see you soon!!

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